Friday, 17 June 2016

Solutions of Gender Inequality in Education

Solutions of Gender Inequality in Education

         If You are Teacher or a student at Class room where both genders are studying. So these are the solutions to the Problems which were diccussed in the last post of the Blog. Link to that post : 
  1.  Equal Rules should be established for both male and female.
  2.  While a female student is speaking. So the male students should wait for their turn and vice versa.
  3.  Try to work in Groups of Gender Equality.
  4.  The class room should have 2 leaders. 1 Male and 1 Female.
  5.  A Teacher should not use Pronoun "GUYS". Instead of it He/She should use "Every body" or "Every One" to call the students.
  6.  Teacher should give both genders sufficient time to finish their talk.

      Besides the above points, There are some other solutions as well. Which are presented in the form of pictures below:

   Sitting arrangements of the students should be made in a way that both male and female students get equal oppurtunities and advantages. On the left is the wrong way of sitting arrangements and on the right is the right way. 

   In the above picture. A way is shown to be used by Teachers to bring gender equality in Class room. The teacher should not stand still. He/She should move in the class.

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