Wednesday 15 June 2016

Gender Inequality in Youth Education

Gender Inequality in Youth Education

Question for the Readers:

      Q=  Who talks more or make more noise in the Class room? Male/Female 

Link of the image:


             Answer to the question is tha Male talks more and make more noise in the Class rooms around the Earth. Because of some reasons. Which are:

  1. Voice of male is louder and they make more fun with each. In this way male class rooms are more noisy than the female class rooms.
  2. Culturally Female are very much shy to speak louder or make noise. They are also restricted by themselves


      Problems that the Earth is facing due to gender inequality in education is that the generations that will be taking care of the Earth are to be trained by the current generation. So if they are illiterate the next generations will make a mess of the Earth. 
       For Example, Currently there are 122 million Youth in the Earth. Which is illiterate. Of which 61% are females. So that 122 million Youth and 61% females will become parent of the next generation. The children of that parents are the future leaders of the Earth.

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