Tuesday 21 June 2016

Facts about Gender Equality in Education

Facts about Gender Inequality in Education

           Materials which are used in Education purposes are generally not equal in representation of both genders.

    The Picture of different professions shown above is taken from a course book of middle school. In this picture as you can see there are 4 male characters and their profession. On the other side there are only 2 female characters and their profession.

   This inequality of gender in the course books can led to problems. It can give a thought that male do acquire more professions in the Earth.

  This picture is also representing that the male professions earn more money and they are financially better than the female profession. 

  For the solution checklist should be made for checking that the course is presenting equality in not only gender but in Religion, culture and standard of living between the students.

Some important Facts about Gender Inequality in Education

  1. Around the Earth course books mostly consist of  57% to 80% of Male characters. Which represent Gender inequality in education
  2. Teachers use the above course books in 70% to 95% of time of the Class room.
  For solving the issue discussed in some important facts, A teacher should adapt different stories from his/her own to bring gender equality.

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