Tuesday 7 June 2016

Gender Inequality in Education

Gender Inequality in Education

      Gender Equality in education means same advantages and disadvantages for male and female and same opportunities of education either primary, secondary or higher should be provided to both genders. If same opportunities are not given or a gender is given some advantages in the feild of education then it is considered as Gender inequality in Education around the Earth

Why Equality is Important?

  •     Because of the fact that if a male or Female is not given proper education So when that person will become father or mother of next generation of the Earth. So their education will have a positive or negative impact on the life of their child.

Question for the Readers:

      Q=  Who talks more or make more noise in the Class room? Male/Female

Link of the image: http://sh.st/Doz2f

Answer will be posted in the next post.

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