Sunday 3 July 2016

Power of I Can in life

Power of I Can in life

  All people in the Earth living a life do have good and bad phases in their life. When good and happy phases occur people tend to enjoy their life, On the other hand, when bad phases occur people become sad in their life.

  These 2 patches arrive because of use of the statement I Can and I Can't. Use of I Can have the ability to led to happy and good phase in life. Whereas saying I Can't led a person to bad phase of of his/her life.

  Life of a person is like a bus stop. Where the person has to wait for the right bus to reach his/her destiny. The person should go in the first bus that arrives at the bus stop. He/She should wait for the bus to arrive which will led the person to the destiny.

 The use of statements I Can and I Can't at the wrong time can led to different results. Saying I Can when the wrong bus comes can led to undesirable destiny. At that time the person should have said I Can't. 

 Similarly when the correct bus arrives at the bus stop. The person should say I Can to reach his/her desirable destiny.

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