Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Principles of Writing - Especially In Journalism

Principles of Writing - Especially In Journalism

There are 10 principles of Journalism. The principles are very important when a journalist or a person convey a story either by telling or writing a story.

The first two principles are important when the person is Gathering information.

1. Verification

         Verifying the accuracy of the information you get.

2. Objectivity

          Not favoring one side over other.

The next four principles(principles 3 to 6) are important when Telling a story.

3. Originality

         Creating or innovating something new.

4. Completeness

         Full story, not lacking any side/part of it.

5. Transparency

        Making the story clear to readers.

6. Fairness

         Telling both sides of the story without any bias.

The last four principles(principles 7 to 10) are important to Make an impact on people.

7. Restraint

          Stopping yourself from writing a bad "breaking" news.

8. Humanity

          Being kind and sympathetic to people.

9. Accountability

          Taking personal responsibility for actions or mistakes.

10. Empowerment

             Speaking, writing and giving power to those who do not have power to speak.

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